Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Spoonful of Laughter Makes the Medicine Go Down

This is my third offering for a church food storage/preparedness activity.  If you want a corny skit and some laughs to balance the serious topic of food storage for a ward dinner or party, gags modeled on Hee Haw might be it.  (We get youth babysitters for little kids and invite ward members age 16 and up to the event.)

This skit uses adapted gags and adapted lyrics. You can find the songs on Youtube and elsewhere.  We painted a freezer box to look like an old store front and also painted a "fence" on another box.

We always end our food storage  dinner on a serious note, after we've had some fun.  Laughter prepares people. (Click on the pages to bring up an image you an enlarge.)


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